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Gastric Band Hypnotherapy and Weight Loss Hypnotherapy




Keep in mind that all forms of hypnotherapy is based on you, the client, being committed and motivated to want change.


Be open and willing to take part in your session. Once you truly decide that you want to change anything is possible.



Nothing splendid has ever been achieved except by those who dared believe that something inside them was superior to circumstance.

~ Bruce Barton ~



“So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable.”

~Christopher Reeve, 1952-2004,~


American Actor best known for his role as Superman



Testimonials for Carole Kelly


Testimonial 1

"It never ceases to amaze me that there are times in ones life when, by pure chance, you meet somebody that inevitably has such an impact that your whole life and perspective of such, dramatically changes for the better. Suddenly life takes a turn in a new and wonderful direction.

Carole has been that person for me and I am so grateful to her - more to the point, words are not sufficient to describe how much she has given me. By meeting her, with her gentle caring coaching, my life has taken a new and wonderful turn...."

Ms K Vedasz
Lélegance Hair Creations



Testimonial 2

"Carole is a very remarkable woman who gave me direction, mind tools and a whole new way of dealing with changes in my life. I was stuck in "stuff"and realised I wanted to move forward, but had no idea (though I thought I did). Carole is warm, understanding and has amazing in-sight to ones inner self, she hears before you speak. ..... Thank you for a beautiful rainbow instead of a black cloud. I will cherish this forever."

M. Wilson



Testimonial 3

"....In 2009 I got completely lost. I got so sidetracked from my life and myself I really didn't recognise myself when I looked in the mirror. Each day I was becoming more and more self destructive. I became very isolated....... I was sick and tired of my behaviour and everyday was promising myself I would do something to change...... I couldn't seem to follow through with anything.


I called Carole and we had our first session and it felt as though a small door had been unlocked. I knew I needed to go back and see her again and on making the second appointment she took me through an integrated therapy and also a hypnosis session. From that day it's as though that door has been flung WIDE open and my life has changed dramatically in the week since........ My thoughts have changed from negative to positive. I feel light and free, happy and alive for the first time in a year!


Carole has an amazing instinct and intuition for what you need on a very deep level and then she applies that with a genuine desire to help and allow you the freedom your looking for.


No matter how long you have had a problem or issue, or what that problem is Carole can help you to find your way to freedom. She does it easily and painlessly.


I had always been the type of person to try to figure things out on my own, never ask for help. It was a huge step for me to ask for that help and I am so glad I did.


My heartfelt gratitude Carole. Thank you sooooo much!!!

Coming to see you was the best decision I have made in a very long time."

Helen White


Testimonials for Sandy Hounsell 


Testimonial 1

Allanah-Rose Hickey - 4 Apr 2012


I wanted to take the time to express my gratitude for your help since meeting you last year. I am so very grateful to have been guided to you in a desperate time of need. I felt like I was alone in a black hole and I didn't know who I could turn to. My past was eating me up inside and I didn't fully understand why. It wasn't until I met you that my life started to make sense. I started to see why I was feeling the way I was and why I was reacting the way I was. I was also able to see why certain people and situations were brought into my life and to change my view on them and to look through the eyes of love.

From the day I spoke to you on the phone until now, I feel like a completely different person. I would go so far as to say I could not stand myself, I wanted to be someone else. Now, I am so grateful for who I am and wouldn't change a thing.You have shown me the beautiful soul that I am and with your help, I was able to tackle these false beliefs I had grown up with that I wasn't "good enough" and that I wasn't "worthy" to feel the complete opposite. I can now happily say that I live a life with gratitude for others and most importantly, for myself. I love who I am, I have unconditional love for myself which is something I thought I could never have. You have also opened me up to my own intuition and have helped me find my own unique psychic abilities so I can help others, just as you helped me. A whole new world has opened up for me and I am forever grateful for the time and the loving attention you gave me during my healings and even outside of them. Not only have I found someone I can always rely on in a time of need and direction, I have also found a friend.

Thank you again Sandy for helping me find myself and my spiritual path.

I am forever grateful.

Love Allanah


Testimonial 2


In a way I feel like I’m finding the old Emma, but I’ve come back with a much better outlook on life e.g. its okay to put myself first.  I have more of a ‘knowing’ and I know its okay and how to ask for help, from the angels, guides, etc.

I feel calmer, happier and for possibly the first time in my life I feel as though I’m on the right track and have a sense of belonging.

Sandy, you also helped me to take back the control of my life.

I learnt so much!!!  I want to incorporate meditation into my everyday life.

I already know I’m going to be so much pickier with the next man in my life.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart Sandy!  The time that I spent with you has been absolutely life changing.  I so look forward to spending the rest of my life using the skills that you have taught me and going through life with so much self love for myself.

Testimonial 3

Janet - Journalist and psychotherapist, NSW

Probably the most striking changes I have seen since working with Sandy are physically. I had aged a great deal in both body and mind because of my long illness and traumatizing treatment. I now feel back to my old self – well even better actually! I have much more physical and mental energy, I feel lighter in my body and move more confidently and feel much more optimistic and joyful.

For me these changes have been monumental – I never thought I’d recover my full health after leukaemia and I now feel more alive than ever. It’s sheer joy to feel even younger than my age after all I went through and I’m enjoying all aspects of live more.Burdened with much grief and felt weighed down with a great many ancestral beliefs and attitudes that made it difficult to move forward. 

Also recovering physically, spiritually, emotionally and psychologically from a long illness – leukaemia and a bone marrow transplant. I have changed so much that people remark on both my appearance and lightness of spirit all the time. I am much more optimistic and joyful and feel very grounded and at peace. 

Physically, I’m feeling younger and more vibrant – back to the kind of energy I had in my 20s (And I’m 53!). And I have more mental energy and vigour as well.

Recent blood tests also show my liver and kidney function has improved, my red blood cells which are enlarged have grown smaller and my blood sugar has improved. I am much more comfortable in my own skin, more confident and happy, better able to nurture myself and love me for who I am. 

I have a sense of deep peace,  that all is well and perfect in its own way and that I don’t have to work ‘it’ all out but just be and have faith. I also have a clearer sense of what I can achieve in my working life and where my talents and strengths lie.

I also learnt the importance of self-love and acceptance.


Testimonial 4

Ana - Gold Coast

Hi Sandy,  Hope this email finds you well.  
I just wanted to let you know that I would like to cancel my appointment for this Thursday please. I feel that I don't need any further sessions.  I can't thank you enough for everything you have done for me.
I was depressed, lost and in a dark place before I came to see you.  You have helped me open up so much, become a positive person and have taught me to feel really good about myself and put myself first for a change.  I can say that now I wake up in the mornings and look forward to the day ahead. I always feel that a bright light is surrounding me. I have more of a direction in life and am getting out there and chasing the things that I desire to have in my life.
I can't express my thanks to you.  I will be sure to come and see you if I feel that I am starting to feel negative in any way.  You have been someone that I have been able to look up to and confide in and that has meant so much to me. I wish you all the very best and would love to stay in contact with you.   Love Ana x



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